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The Solsho Limited. Is incorporated for the purpose where Vendor can List the products and sell the products,  the solsho is a pure Marketplace not a Vendor, if in future any director or shareholder want to List any type of product on Solsho E-commerce platform, He / She has to follow the same Vendor Policy, the Solsho Limited known as “SOLSHO”. The Solsho Will provide only Marketplace /Space to verified vendor of  any Categories can list / publish products or Sell products on Solsho E –Commerce Shopping platform.

Guideline and Documentation for Become a Vendor/ Seller on “Solsho” E-commerce Platform. 

1.     GST will be mandatory to become vendor/ Seller to List /publish or sell products through Solsho Limited “SOLSHO” E-  commerce platform/ Marketplace, according to GST rules of sale.

2.        Business Licenses is mandatory to become a seller (A Registered Business Name is mandatory ).

3.       The Solsho Limited. will only provide space to those vendors/ Sellers who have been the Licenses for their concerned Business Category. ( Which category vendor/ seller want to select on Solsho Limited E-commerce platform.

4.       FSSAI  licenses : The FSSAI licenses is mandatory  to the vendors/ Sellers who wants to sell or publish foods related items on solsho limited platform/ Marketplace.

5.       DRUG Licenses : The Drug Licenses is mandatory  to the vendors who wants to sell drug, or other medical related services (Health Care Items) through Solsho Limited E-Commerce marketplace.

6.        IRDA Licenses : The IRDA Licenses is mandatory to those vendors/ sellers who wants to publish or sell Insurance related polices Through Solsho Limited  E-Commerce Marketplace 

7.  RERA Registration is mandatory to those vendors/ sellers who wants to publish or sell Properity/ Real Estate or Rental Properity Services.

Note :- to become a Solsho Limited vendor/ seller, a referral is mandatory,  one who is already vendor or Sales force advisor. The sales force advisor will carefully verify the vendor/seller and sales force advisor will give the verification witness, and he/she will issue his/her referral code to vendor, without referral code no one can  become a vendor.

To become a vendor/seller  following documents are also mandatory:-

1.       Adhar Card

2.       Pan Card.

3.       GST

4.       Business Licence.

5.       FSSAI Licenses for Food Category.

6.       Drug Licenses for Medical related category

7.       IRDA Licenses for Insurance related category.

8.       Business  Bank Account.(Current Account)

9.       Adhar Linked Mobile No. (verified by OTP)

10.   E-mail (verified by OTP on E-mail)


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